As a tradition, the momentum back to their hometown before Lebaran arrived already a habit of Indonesia society. This moment was used to be a time of approaching with consumers for Honda and Yamaha. Because the two do go together with customers.
When spelled out one by one, Honda comes with Back and forth with my program-Honda which has been held since 7 years ago. This time, the route that will pass Honda to drop off customers includes diesel Jakarta-Semarang and Jakarta-Yogyakarta. In the meantime, to have private Feedback, take route Semarang-AHM in Jakarta.
General Manager Honda Customer Care Center (HC3) Division AHM Istiyani Susriyati explains in this run MBH with the same concept over the past two years, namely transporting motorcycles with truck and deliver pemudik pemudik by bus.
"Began two years ago, we pioneered the motorcycle transportation using trucks and deliver pemudik para pemudik by bus to his hometown. We see this very positive so we return to resume work again this year, "he said in Sunter, Jakarta, Wednesday (15/8/2012) in the early hours.
"There was a us transport 2.507 pemudik this year," he added.
Current activities with a Go go through Honda was held on 12 August 2012 to transporting motorcycles pemudik and on 15 August 2012 to pemberangkatan to their homes using pemudik bus.
Meanwhile, the feedback Loop With activities accommodated technological avenues through Honda was held on 23 August 2012 to transporting motorcycles and and expected pemudik on August 24, already arrived back in Jakarta.
These activities followed 1,200 motorcycles Honda will be transported by truck to transport motorcycles 24 and 58 passenger bus to the pemudik Honda.
These activities can follow Pemudik just by setting up money registration $ 5. In addition to will get the package and Iftar meal as well as gasoline, the Honda will also pemudik get accident insurance by Astra Buana Insurance and be eligible to win doorprize 2 motorcycles Honda and other amusement gifts.
In addition to cellular to return home via kampung pemudik MBH, AHM along Main Honda Dealer shall accompany the pemudik during the period and back through Lebaran mudik Bale Relaxing Honda (BSH_). BSH_ break for the posko pemudik motorcycles was established during the period 16 August – 23 September 2012 from Lampung to Bali.
As an effort to provide the best service, motorcycle pemudik BSH_ founded in 23 locations consisting of 18 Posko 24 hours nonstop and 5 AHASS 16 hours with Standby operation start time 07.00-23.00 each day.
In each AHASS and Standby command post, the Main Dealer Network and AHM along location provides a wide array of services for BSH_ para pemudik motorcycles, among other technical consulting motorcycle Honda, tune up and service light for free, as well as special discount Honda parts. While in the command post, can rest by enjoying pemudik facilities air-conditioned rest space, places of worship, takjil and soft drinks free, massage tools, electric and light for free health checks.
"For the various services we provide to pemudik provides accompany community service as well as Indonesia's best run of worship in the holy month of Ramadan and stay in touch with family in their hometown," said Istiyani Susriyati.
In addition to joint customers, go to PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) is also rolling out a variety of programs to accompany shared with consumers in this holy month of Ramadan in Circuit activities.
Some programs such as Ramadan held AHM Circuit since 2007 was held back. This year, in the Main Honda Dealer AHM together hold Circuit in 15 major cities of Ramadan and during the Regency period of 69 20 July – 12 August 2012. These towns include Medan, Pekanbaru, Padang, Jambi, Palembang, Lampung, Attack, Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Banjarmasin, and Makassar.
Various activities will be a part of this program like Circuit Ramadan Marawis, Competition, Nasyid Bedug Rabana, Competition, competitions, Athan Convoy around town, Division of Takjil free, Kultum (Seven Minutes), Iftaar, Tabligh Akbar, Music Performances, exhibitions, sales of Religion and Religious Films, Screen Tancap and also share by giving donations to the orphans and underprivileged communities.
In addition, in this sacred month, the community also had the opportunity to enjoy special programs sales Honda motorcycles, such as special discounts/cashback, DP special, discounts, gifts, installments directly, and had the gift cabutan menjajalnya in area Test Ride.
Mudik Asik Yamaha
Meanwhile, on the other hand Yamaha is also not to be outdone by deploying mudik together they call Forth Yamaha Asik Yamaha. The Program is implemented not only in Jakarta, but also do on Sumatra island.
For Jakarta, there are 10 buses carrying 500 passengers headed for Semarang and Yogyakarta. While in Sumatra Mudik Asik Yamaha serving 300 and concentrated in Medan pemudik with the intention Medan-Binjai-Lubuk Pakam-Medan-Tebing Tinggi and Mangifera Caesia-Stabat.
Then also get the special attention of Sulawesi since Yamaha is also open one workshop and one post jaga jaga. Return path in Sulawesi itself consists of two lines i.e. from Sinjai (South Sulawesi) and Wonomulyo (Polewali, Sulbar),
Pemudik of Sinjai will pass through Bone to Kendari, Sulteng. From the Bone to the departed Kendari pemudik climb aboard the sea. While the tracks are trans Sulawesi Wonomulyo pass towards Hammer and Manado.
Like in Jakarta also provide facilities for the Yamaha equal in a garage and keep your post on Sumatra and Sulawesi with spare part 20 percent discount, free program menyeluduh check in the mail Guard. Specialized in Java, after the motor check it will be given Yamalube PEA Cleaner Concentrate that function leave room.
"We're taking a bus to pemudik safer," said General Manager Marketing & CommunicationPT Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (YIMM) Eko Prabowo.
Not only that, Yamaha is also setting up HP, as well as hundreds of doorprize prizes.